GREETINGS! You have clicked the right button if you are searching for the home page of Art Tibaldo. Welcome
I work with visual images using paints & brushes,
cameras, and computers. If you have landed here by chance, you are very much welcome to look at my works and how things are
happening in my community. I welcome suggestions and contributions to make this site more interesting.

WELCOME! As you navigate through this site, you will
find photographic records of the things and events that I am involved in and likewise shots captured by my lens. Enjoy!

Here's one of my oil on canvass that won in a Centennial Painting Contest in 2000

In some spare time and whenever I want to paint, I bring out some of my old oils and do some brush strokes on canvass

We process information from on-site electronic news gathering (ENG), editing and transmission to home cable
subscribers. I also grant invitations to give trainings on Video Production, Photography and Photojournalism.
"While in the forest, shoot nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time, leave nothing but footprints
and bring home nothing but memories." Eco-Warrior Art
In 2004, the Cordillera News Agency, the Haribon Foundation and the Maximo Kalaw Foundation formulated
a module on eco-warriorship as an environmental program for the National Students Training Program (NSTP) that took over ROTC
in College schools. Thereafter, we were called to give lectures to NSTP coordinators.
Here are visual snippets of what I do ....

Regularly since 1993, I've been producing shows for a community cable television program.
As Technical Director of a live evening talk show, I see to it that everything runs smoothly
and proceeds without flaws. Photo shows me at the control room of Skycable Baguio mixing audio and video feeds.

Before digital technology introduced non-linear editing for videos. I have worked with big machines such as the
AB-Roll suites for both Betacam and U-matic. Now considered Dinasaurs, my Super-VHS gadgets, mixers and cameras will
soon form part of a media museum that I will open in the near future. Right, now, I'm using the computer based Adobe
Premiere and the user friendly Pinnacle Studio for my television projects.

I'm not your regular newsman in a hurry, I shoot the activities that I'm involved with and events
of significant importance to my community. Photo shows me documenting the INTERPLAST volunteer surgeons who did a medical
mission in my community.

I belong to an indigenous community that boasts of its rich culture and unbroken tradition. This self portrait depicts
me as an Igorot tribesman who live in the uplands of north Philippines. The painting at the background is one of my major
work when I was a student taking up Fine Arts.

On a rare occassion such as this one, a cameraman gets to be positioned at the wrong side of
his lens without complaining.